Introduction :
India is the country having 5,000 year old civilization, 325 languages spoken, 18 official
languages, 29 States and 7 Union Territories, fragmented into various religions. We find diversity in
India in various contexts. As it is a large country with population we can find the variability among
cultural patterns, Physical features, Linguistic-religious diversity, caste pattern, etc. India is a country
where people professes and represents major religions of the world like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism
and Sikhism and it is also a home of Jewish, Zoroastrian, Muslim and Christian Community. For
maintaining the unity in diversity in the context of law all civil and criminal laws are same for all
irrespective of their caste, language, religion. In the family matters like Marriage, divorce, adoption,
Maintenance, Inheritance, Succession all are governed by their personal laws. These Personal Laws are
framed during the British Raj e.g. For Hindus- Hindu Widow’s Remarriage Act, 1856; For Muslims-
Shariat Act,1937, Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939, For Parsi- Parsi Marriage and Divorce
Act,1936; For Christians Native Converts Marriage Dissolution Act, 1869, Indian Christian Marriage
Act, 1872,etc. So the present paper is deliberating upon the Discrimination in matter of personal
laws, the grounds for discrimination and need of Uniform Civil code.