Administrative Law have presented as underdog compared with the constitutional law as less
work have been explore in field of administrative law making lacking emergence of comparative
administrative legal ideologies as was present in case of comparative constitutionalism.2 As
administrative law is younger than constitutional law and therefore a global framing seems to be absent
in relation to application of administrative law principles that are base of making relation between
governments and international institutions. 3 In the age materialization of legal principles globally,
time has came to present the administrative inclusive on international level. Present administrative
law is not a standing as mere regulatory principles for an individual nation but shaped itself in
global packing that has been followed in various international mechanism setup across the world.
Present article try to make an analysis on the administrative law and its implication on World trade
Organization (hereinafter called as WTO). WTO is the principle trade regulatory body extending its
functions from legislating, administering as well as adjudicating and for the reason there have to be
principles followed that must inherit some fundamental feature of ought to followed by any authority
while following its daily business or conduct. Boundaries between states and international arena
have shrunken by emergence of well insightful international principles and trade evidenced steep
development as the globalization affected economies around the globe. WTO use to regulate all the
trade related matters internationally so as preserve a condition of free trade and reducing tariff barriers
across the world but on the other side a greater risk pertains to the weaker economies of several
countries who are dominated by the stronger ones as result of participation of various economies
on the same floor. WTO hence needs mechanism to rebuff and eliminate the discriminations and
quandaries with assistance of general principles governing the administrative law. Administrative law
is nothing more than a method of governance that authorities apply There are as many as principles
Rule-making powers, discretion, transparency adjudicatory powers, judicial review, fair play etc. but
the current article only makes an overview upon the WTO setup in realm of administrative law.